Entrepreneurship: When Am I Ever Going to Use This?

A classroom video that answers the question: “When am I ever going to use Entrepreneurship?”

This video is part of the When Am I Ever Going to Use This? Series.


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After viewing this video, your students will never ask the question:
"Why Am I Learning Entrepreneurship?"

This video explores why it’s important for students to learn and understand what entrepreneurship is and the skills utilized to become a successful entrepreneur. Students get a first-hand look at how the art of entrepreneurship can transform the seed of an idea from a concept into a reality. After students are introduced to the concept entrepreneurship, they will meet current and future entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship: When Am I Ever Going to Use This? (Digital)
ISBN: 978-1-626890-78-7
© 2016
Time: 25 Minutes

Product Total: $0.00