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Slater Farms

A Microsoft Office Agribusiness Simulation

Students learn what it's like to own, operate, and manage an agribusiness.


This computer simulation will teach your students what it’s like to own, operate, and manage an agribusiness. Using their computer applications skills, students work to produce professional documents as the Microsoft Office Specialist of a fruit and vegetable farm. Throughout these real-world projects, students are exposed to channels of distribution, marketing techniques, and other concepts typical in the agricultural industry.

  • Designed for all versions of Microsoft Office, Google Apps, or equivalent applications
  • Hi-resolution "Slater Farms" logo provided to add a professional touch to the simulation
  • Real-world projects that connect students to a real agribusiness
Table of Contents

Curriculum Guide

Word Processing

1. Farmer’s Market Press Release

2. Slater Farms Business Letterhead

3. Employee Memo

4. Apple Pie Recipe

5. Calendar of Events

6. Scholarship Application

7. Monthly Newsletter

8. Customer Survey

9. Field Trip Letter



1. Apple Harvest Schedule

2. Balance Sheet

3. Seasonal Crops Chart

4. Planting and Harvest Schedule

5. School Contact List

6. Customer Survey Results


Desktop Publishing

1. Employee Name Badge

2. Coupon Flyer

3. Promotional Postcard

4. Magazine Cover

5. Slater Farms Brochure



1. Agritainment Tour

2. Cooking Demo



1. Pricing List

2. Equipment Inventory

3. Apple Harvest Table

FREE Online Student and Instructor Resources

The Free Online Instructor and Student Resources for Slater Farms are housed on

Online Instructor and Student Resources Include:

  • Instructor's Guide
  • Project Answer Keys
  • Grading Rubrics
  • Grading Forms
  • Student Progress Checklist
  • Hi-resolution Logos
    • Many projects require students to insert the Slater Farms logo to create professionally-styled documents.
eTextbook License Information

Transferable eTextbook Student License: One license is required per student per term within a given school year. Once a term is completed, licenses can be reused. The number of licenses required is equal to the maximum number of students using an eTextbook within one term. See example below:

Example to Determine Number of eTextbook Licenses Required
  Semester 1
Student Enrollment
Semester 2
Student Enrollment
eTextbook Licenses
Course A 60 30 60
Course B 90 90 90

Minimum: A minimum purchase of 15 licenses is required.

Term: Licenses are valid for 5 years (transferable term to term).

Instructor Resources: Included FREE for unlimited number of instructors; 5-year access.

Format/Delivery: eTextbook is delivered in PDF format. The eTextbook and student/instructor resources can be uploaded to any LMS or accessed through

License Pricing: Pricing is determined by the number of licenses purchased. If the number of licenses you require exceeds the quantity displayed, call or email for volume pricing.


Grade: 6-8, 9-12

Slater Farms (eTextbook 5 Yr. Student License) - Min. 15
ISBN: 9781626896611
Author: The Development Team at B.E. Publishing, Diane M. Silvia, Linda M. Viveiros
© 2013
Page Count: 104
Print Color: Full Color

FREE Instructor Resources on with eTextbook purchase - Min. 15
Author: Joy Tavano

Purchase Options (eTextbook Format Only)

Item # Item Name ISBN Qty. Unit Price Total
TB-SF-ET Slater Farms (eTextbook 5 Yr. Student License) - Min. 15 Call or email for volume pricing. 9781626896611 $23.95
ER-FREE-RES FREE Instructor Resources on with eTextbook purchase - Min. 15 $0.00
Product Total: $0.00