Word Processing: When Am I Ever Going to Use This?

A classroom video that answers the question: “When am I ever going to use Word Processing?”

This video is part of the When Am I Ever Going to Use This? Series.


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After viewing this video, your students will never ask the question:
"Why Am I Learning Word Processing Software?"

Students get a first-hand look at how popular word processing applications like Microsoft Word and Google Docs are used in different professions in the real world. Students and working professionals are featured as they demonstrate the many uses of word processing in their everyday career, school, and social lives. This video features how becoming proficient in word processing will help students succeed today, tomorrow, and in the future. Its many practical uses (business letters, memos, tables, reports, resumes, etc.) are also discussed.

Word Processing: When Am I Ever Going to Use This? (DVD)
ISBN: 978-1-626890-84-8
© 2016
Time: 15 Minutes

Product Total: $0.00